Delivery To Bartolomeo & Perotto
Same Day Delivery:
If your order is placed by 12:00 noon EST, same-day delivery is generally available throughout the US and Canada Monday thru Saturday. We are closed on Sundays but we do deliver to funeral for Sunday service hours. Later cut-off times are in place for the Rochester or Canandaigua areas. After noon please contact us at 1-800-222-7790 in Greece and 888-776-6083 in Canandaigua to inquire about express delivery options that might be available.
Time Deliveries:
We would also be happy to honor requests for specific time deliveries namely AM, PM or by a specific time in the afternoon, such as by 4:00 PM., if the order is placed 24 hours in advance. We will diligently endeavor to meet your special delivery requests; however, in some cases, delivery may not be possible by the requested time due to circumstances beyond our control. Often a small additional charge for our EXPRESS SAME DAY FLOWER DELIVERY SERVICE will allow us to send a courier with your delivery prior to the requested time. Also, in general, we are unable to accommodate specific times during the two day period prior to and including the major floral holidays: Valentine’s Day, Mother’s Day, Thanksgiving and Christmas.
Sunday and Holiday Deliveries:
Although we guarantee same day flower delivery to the Rochester and Canandaigua areas Monday thru Saturday, delivery service is often not available in other areas on Sundays or legal holidays. So, while every effort will be made to accommodate such flower deliveries when possible, items requested for delivery on a Sunday or legal holiday may have to be delivered the day before or the day after the date requested.